Electric Time Company was honored to receive a historic preservation award from Historic Salem for the restoration of the Almy’s Clock. Thomas Erb, President of Electric Time along with Dr. Hale Brandt, a resident and the clock’s greatest champion, and Patti Kelleher, City of Salem’s Preservation Planner, received plaques during the Historic Salem, Inc.’s ceremony. The City of Salem hired Electric Time to restore their original E. Howard Two Dial Post Clock that stands on Essex Street in Salem, Massachusetts, USA. The clock originally stood in front of the Almy, Bigelow & Washburn department store, hence the name “Almy’s Clock”.
The work on the historic post clock was awarded in February of 2021 and the clock was re-installed back in Salem in December of 2022. Many decisions including paint colors, lettering, and illumination were researched and implemented. The final result was a beautiful clock, ready for its next century